Product Review: Student Emergency Kit

Friday, January 20, 2017

As members of the senior class of 2017 gear up to enter a new chapter in their lives, parents all across America are scrambling to make preparations. From living arrangements to school supplies, there's a lot that goes into adequately preparing for the first year of college. If you're a parent of a graduating teen this year, you may also be dealing with the natural fear of sending your child into the world alone. At home, you've made an emergency plan and stacked supplies for your family, but the dorm room won't be equipped with these things. Our Student Emergency Kit contains everything your student will need to sustain himself or herself for three days in the event of an emergency. This handy cardboard box is extremely compact and affordable, making it easy to stock several in various convenient places. Instruct your student to keep one in an easily accessible place in his or her room while keeping another in the car. In case of an emergency, this kit will provide six 4.227-oz. U.S. Coast Guard-approved water packages, each with a five-year shelf life, an emergency blanket, one glow stick, nine wet wipes and a 2,400-calorie food bar. Because this kit contains only the essentials, it's versatile enough to be used in a variety of situations. Keep one in the car for yourself, pack it away in a suitcase when traveling or keep one at the winter cabin. Everything the Student Emergency Kit contains is resistant to hot or cold temperatures and can be safely kept for up to five years!